This is the first post that begins the chronicling of the historic effort of UM Law's Health & Elder Law Clinic to assist Haitians in applying for Temporary Protected Status (TPS) following the devastating earthquake that killed an estimated 200,000 people in January.
Right now, we are preparing to welcome the first wave of students to our clinic and South Florida. There are many logistical details that must be finalized, hence, we are engaged in a series of meetings, brainstorming sessions, and a flurry of emails back and forth to those brave, valiant souls who have decided to take on the mantle of responsibility and answer the desperate call that many Haitians have put out following this tragic event.
We are about two weeks away from March 1st, when another form of "March Madness" will begin on the UM Law's campus. But amidst the madness, many Haitians will be helped, and invariably the rewards will be reciprocal, as a NYT article noted that a recent book concluded that those who volunteer actually experience positive psychic health results including increased happiness. If that's the case, my happiness level is poised to skyrocket over the next six weeks and I certainly hope so because it's going to take a Herculean effort from all of us at the clinic (including dedicated volunteers) to make this project a success. Only time will tell...
- fdh
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