Friday, March 12, 2010

How Quickly Time Passes...

It has been amazing how time has gone by so fast. Today flew by as well, the entire day felt like a race against the clock to get all of our applications completed and out the door by the time the Fedex man came at 6pm. Almost everyone that we in-took on Tuesday and Wednesday had their applications sent out today; all in all USF managed to complete and send off 10 TPS applications, with 5 more pending till next week. I think everyone feels that it is VERY hard to walk away from the files that we have started, even though they will be in the very capable hands of U of Miami students.

At the end of the week, I think we all feel a little exhausted, a tiny bit overwhelmed, but overall very fortunate to have gotten to know our clients, and be able send off their applications for them. I don't think any of us expected to do the amount of outreach that we did, and I don't think we expected our clients to have been living in the United States for as long as they had, but once the program was underway those things made sense. Of course we would need to establish ourselves in the community before gaining their trust; and although our clients were not in Haiti during the earthquake, their lives will forever be impacted by that tragedy. We are so thankful to the University of Miami for being generally awesome, and excited for the lucky students that get to come in the following weeks.

Ed. note: Dana Isaac is a second-year law student at the University of San Francisco.

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